
Online Casino Disputes

Having an issue or dispute with an online casino is just about every player’s worst nightmare about online wagering. The largest problem with online gambling is the dearth of a central control and licensing body.

Of course some people could contend that these are also the things that make online casinos available and great. But for the purposes of attempting to get a dispute resolved the unregulated market is not helpful.

Disputes usually fall under one of a few distinct issues. The most prevalent one deals with bonuses. These are addressed in the terms and conditions section below, but let me be 100% up front about bonus disputes.

You will probably never win a bonus dispute unless the casino you are dealing with allows you.

They have incentives set up so you probably can’t win any dispute. This isn’t to say that they don’t genuinely give out bonuses. They do give them out and most players don’t have any difficulties with them. I’m just saying that if you have a dispute about a bonus the solution is probably covered in their terms and conditions and you probably won’t prevail.

The next issue involves if the activities at the online casino are fair. Many players believe online casino games are fixed, but if you follow the advice in the section below about how to avoid casino disputes you won’t have to worry about fair games.

If you play at a trusted casino and believe the games are fixed, start tracking all of your game play and then either research the mathematics behind the game yourself or take it to a mathematician. Though it may seem rigged for the roulette wheel to land on black eight consecutive times, it can and does happen.

Probably the most severe issue is when you win and the online casino won’t send you your money. This is covered in both the how to avoid a casino dispute section and the how to resolve casino disputes section below.

How to Avoid Casino Disputes
Most online casino disputes can be avoided by doing two things. The first one is to only engage at trusted online casinos. The other entails the terms and conditions and is covered in the next section.

Believe it or not, every online casino that has been in business very long at all and has many consumers probably has had some customer disputes. Most of these disputes are from people attempting to scam the casino or take advantage of a loophole. Even well-established casinos who strive to offer the best customer service and do everything above board can have issues come up from time to time.

The difference is that the most trusted online casinos work toward correcting these issues equitably, while bad ones do not.

So how do you discover trusted online casinos?

There are many things you can do, but I always suggest Mahadevbook login taking the advice of someone you trust. Reading about the casinos listed on this site is a great location to start.

You also should see how long the casino has been in business, what country they are licensed in, what software platform they use, if they are part of a protection agency (see the popular agencies enumerated in their own section below) and if they have favorable terms and conditions.

I acknowledge that this is a cynical way to look at things, but the other thing you can do is just assume the worst and only play with money that you view as entertainment money. If the worst occurs and an online casino takes advantage of you then you just move on to another one. It’s conceivable that I have just been lucky, but by following these steps I have never had an issue that couldn’t be resolved with an online casino.

I may have lost a few small amounts over the years, but they weren’t enough for me to recollect. The best online casinos want players out there telling everyone they know how amazing the customer service was, not how they feel cheated. Of course there are many scammers that attempt to take advantage of this and use it against the online casinos.

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